Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Not (just) for the nerds

There's a geek inside each one of you - the one who uses smartphones, the one who loves video games, and the one who spends hours surfing the Internet- and Techkriti'13 has a lot in store for each one of you.
Hi Junta!
From Day 1 itself, the Techkriti'13 team had envisioned the festival to be geeky, and not nerdy!
To elaborate on the not so fine difference; a geek is an outwardly normal person who has taken the time to learn technical skills. Nerds, however, are also characterised by social inactivity. A geek isn't the skinny kid with a pocket protector and acne. There can be computer geeks, video game geeks, car geeks, military geeks, and sports geeks.
Being a geek just means having an eccentric devotion to a particular interest and being passionate about something. In the words of Garret Freymann-Weyr-
"Geeky people often have. . . . a mind with its own heartbeat" 

Techkriti and IIT Kanpur have been the torchbearers of technological excellence in the country. The launch of Jugnu (nano-satellite built at IIT Kanpur) and Satellite Imaging Railway Navigation (SIMRAN) system to check rail accidents are the recent hallmarks of our technological prowess. But this time around, we aim to go one step further and contribute to make our planet greener. We realise that expressing concerns about the environment does not serve much purpose, unless those concerns are addressed by concrete and timely actions.
In this regard, we have planned that Techkriti'13 will be a Carbon Positive festival. The first step in this direction will be to eliminate our carbon footprint. This will be done through Prakriti-The Plantation Drive, where more than 400 saplings would be planted in all corners of Kanpur city, in around a week from now. If you want to join us in the drive or would like to contribute in some way,feel free to contact us.
Stay updated through our facebook page-

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Soaring higher

Greetings tech enthusiasts!

As the pace picks up towards the preparation for the next edition, we are working very hard to make this experience enjoyable and special for everyone. Rest assured, this year's organizing team consists of some of the brightest and most creative minds in the country, who will spare no effort to create an extraordinary, standard-setting technival festival.
You can keep yourself busy by joining our Facebook page  for regular updates. Look out for the formal launch of our logo on facebook this weekend. As we approach the festival, we have new things in store for everyone that we are going to unveil very soon.
Also, we are going to get active on our youtube channel as well with new videos coming up very frequently. We do have some outlandish ideas but we hope they'll get mainstream after this edition not just for us, but for everyone else too.

We would also like to congratulate the Antaragni '12 Team on the launch of their
first promo video. We'd be lying if we said that we were ecstatic, but on a lighter and positive note, they haven't raised the bar high enough for us to live upto.

Though we have some innovative ideas of our own but we would love to hear from you!
So if you have any suggestions regarding the conduction of Techkriti'13, feel free to post them in comments here or on our facebook page. It may be in the form of new competitions, some workshop you want us to conduct, an exhibit you want to see, a speaker you want us to invite or anything else. Your suggestions would be valued.